VBA scope - variables and constants

Scope means the visibility and lifetime of a variable or constant to a specific procedure in a module, all procedures in a module, or all procedures in a project.

1. Module level

Module level variables and constants are:

See code 1a for further explanation.

Code 1a: Module ScopeModuleAndProcedureLevel - demonstrate module level declaration

' Module name: ScopeModuleAndProcedureLevel
Option Explicit
    ' Module level declarations are located in the Declarations section at the top of the module
    ' before the first procedure

' 1. Module scope - variables
' ==============================
    ' VarOneM and VarTwoM are available to all procedures in this Module
    Dim VarOneM As Double
    Private VarTwoM As Double  ' Use Private to distinguish module scope from Public project scope

' 2. Module scope - constants
' ==============================
    ' ConOneM and ConTwoM are available to all procedures in this Module
    Const ConOneM As Double = 3.5 / 100     ' Assign 3.5%
    Private Const ConTwoM As Double = 0.03  ' Use Private to distinguish module scope from Public project scope

2. Procedure level

Procedure level variables and constants are:

See code 1b for examples.

Code 1b: Module ScopeModuleAndProcedureLevel - demonstrate procedure level declaration
Sub ProcLevel()

' 3. Procedure scope - variables
' ==============================
    ' Var3 is only available in this procedure
    ' Procedure level variables only retain their values whilst the procedure is running
    Dim Var3 As String
    Static Var3Stat As Integer      ' procedure visibility, and module level life

' 4. Procedure scope - constant
' ==============================
    ' Con3 is only available in this procedure
    ' Procedure level constants only retain their values whilst the procedure is running

    Const Con3 As Date = #2/14/1966#    ' Decimal currency conversion day - Australia
    MsgBox "Value of Var3Stat: " & Var3Stat
    Var3Stat = Var3Stat + 1

End Sub

Discussion: the code at line 37 increments the value of Var3Stat static variable each time the ProcLevel macro is run. The progressive total of Var3Stat is retained between each run during the current session.

3. Project level

Project level variables and constants are:

Code 2: Module ScopeProjectLevel - demonstrate variable declaration and assignment
' Module: ScopeProjectLevel
Option Explicit
    ' Procedure level declarations are located in the Declarations section at the top of the module
    ' before the first procedure

' 5. Project scope - variables
' ==============================
    ' Var5P and Var6P are available to all procedures in all modules in the project
    Global Var5P As Double
    Public Var6P As Double  ' Use Public to distinguish project scope from Private module scope

' 6. Module scope - constants
' ==============================
    ' Con5P and Con6P are available to all procedures in all modules in the project
    Global Const Con5P As Boolean = True
    Public Const Con6P As Double = 1000#  ' Use Public to distinguish project scope from Private module scope


Display some output

Code 1c: Module ScopeModuleAndProcedureLevel - demonstrate variable declaration and assignment - send output to the Immediate Window

Sub DisplayVariablesAndConstants()
    Dim Display As String
    Const NL As String = vbNewLine
    Display = "Print time: " & Time & vbNewLine
    Display = Display & vbTab & "VarOneM: " & VarOneM & NL
    Display = Display & vbTab & "VarTwoM: " & VarTwoM & NL
    Display = Display & vbTab & "Var5P: " & Var5P & NL
    Display = Display & vbTab & "Var6P: " & Var6P & NL & NL
    Display = Display & vbTab & "ConOneM: " & ConOneM & NL
    Display = Display & vbTab & "ConTwoM: " & ConTwoM & NL
    Debug.Print Display
End Sub

Sub InitializeVariables()
    ' Assign initial values to Module and Project scope variables
    ' Default value of type Double is 0
    VarOneM = 100
    VarTwoM = 200
    Var5P = 500
    Var6P = 600

End Sub

Fig 1: Immediate Window - view of output for Code 1c - DisplayVariablesAndConstants macro