xlf 90045

This is a summary and link page for components of 90045 Excel - sessions 1 to 6, and 90045 VBA sessions 7 to 12. A summary and link of general material is also included for project #1 (individual) and project #2 (group).

The content is intended for use by session participants and may appear less useful to others.

At first glance the scope of each module and the reading/reference lists may appear lengthy, but each module covers essential material in depth, and other items at only an awareness or overview level.

90045 1 to 6 Excel for business

90045 sessions 1 - sample content

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  • Module 0 OUTLINE - contains on outline of preliminary material included in session #1. Spreadsheets - Excel and alternatives, spreadsheets in business, dates and dollars, the GetCF function, and using macro enabled xlsm workbooks

  • The History of Financial Modeling - a Twitter retweet from Fin Mod World Champs - an exclusive interview going back to 1967 ...
  • Spreadsheets and risk - a short list of professional organizations and interest groups
  • GetCF function - returns the formula of the given reference as text
  • What version of Excel am I using? - use the File tab and Backstage view to discover the version details
1. About spreadsheeting - session dates 4th and 5th March 2015.
  • Module 1 OUTLINE - contains on outline of material included in session #1. Excel 2013 - new features, the Excel interface, an NPV exercise, entering and editing worksheet data, and worksheet cells and ranges

  • Excel: useful keyboard shortcuts (pdf) - describes the Active Cell, Selection, and Current Region objects. Lists selected Windows and Excel shortcut key combinations
  • References - academic - selected articles from journals and conference proceedings
  • References - textbooks - references for spreadsheeting, and quantitative data analysis
  • References - walkenbach 2013 (pdf) - the bible - a comparison of chapter titles across the 2007, 2010, and 2013 editions
  • Finance EXERCISES #1 - bonds - requires interpretation of algebraic financial formulae, and presentation of interpreted task in an Excel table of appropriate form. Includes mathematical operators.