Things you can do with the Excel Name Box.
- Show the address of the Active Cell, or the Name of the Active Cell if the Name is one cell only
- Create a New range name
- Functions list – type an equals sign to begin a formula, and the Name Box displays a list of recent functions – figure 1. This is the same list as the Insert function Most Recently Used list – figure 2. Click the function name to insert in the formula
Fig 1: Recently used functions list – Name Box -
Fig 2: Recently used functions list – Insert Function - GoTo (select) reference navigation tool:
- Select a single cell. Type
to select the cell - Select a contiguous range. Type
- Select a non contiguous range. Type
- Select an intersection range. Type
Region Dec
- Select a column. Type
- Select multiple rows. Type
- Select the entire row of the Active Cell. Type
- Select the entire column of the Active Cell. Type
- Select on Object on the drawing layer of the Active Sheet. Type
Picture 26
- Go to a procedure in the Visual Basic Editor. Type
- Select a single cell. Type
- Determine the dimension of a selection (whilst the left mouse button is held) – row and column – figure 3. When the size of the selection fills the screen, the dimension window moves to the bottom-right corner of the selection
Fig 3: Selection dimension – Name Box shows 5R x 5C (5 rows by 5 columns)
- This example was developed in Excel 2013 Pro 64 bit.
- Last modified: , [Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)]