This module demonstrates the Excel CHAR function with application to the standard (0 to 127) and extended (128 to 255) ASCII characters.
- SYNTAX: CHAR(number)
- Returns the character specified by the number code (Windows – ANSI)
Char worksheet function
- Characters 1 to 32 are non printing control characters.
- Characters 33 to 127 are the standard alpha numeric set
- Characters 128 to 255 are the extended character set
Fig 1: Excel Web App #1: CHAR function with character codes 1 to 255
Formula | Description | Returns |
=CHAR(65) | Returns the character specified by the number code 65 | A |
=CHAR(97) | Returns the character specified by the number code 97 | a |
=CHAR(163) | Returns the character specified by the number code 163 | £ |
=CHAR(169) | Returns the character specified by the number code 169 | © |
The Excel CHAR function is not available in VBA, use the VBA CHR fuction instead.
To return the code of a character, use the Excel CODE function. eg. =CODE(“a”) returns 97, and =CODE(8) returns 56
- Download the file by using the Microsoft Excel Web App link in figure 1.
- This module was developed in Excel 2013 Pro 64 bit and made available via the OneDrive Excel Web App.