xlf sample :: QandA series

ATO company tax rates → User Defined function (UDF)


The full company tax rate in Australia is 30%. In some years, lower rates are available to base rate entity companies. Base rate entityy tax rates apply from the 2017-18 income year and onwards.

"From the 2017-18 to 2019-20 income years, companies that are base rate entities must apply the lower 27.5% company tax rate. The rate reduced to 26% in the 2020-21 income year and then to 25% for the 2021-22 income year and future years." Source: https://www.ato.gov.au/rates/changes-to-company-tax-rates/

The rates are summarised here:


For the purposes of this question, a base rate entity is a company whose aggregate turnover is less than the threshold. Read the entire question before commencing part a.

a..Required: write VBA code for a UDF, following the syntax provided in the comments section, to return the relevant company tax rate for 2021-21 or 2021-22 income years. The return value to the cell should be in decimal form. No error checking or handling is required. (6 marks)

' Function: CTaxRate Returns the Company Tax Rate as ...
' source: /www.ato.gov.au/rates/changes-to-company-tax-rates/
' Syntax: CTaxRate(TOver, Yr)
' Arguments:
' TOver (required): aggregated turnover (whole number)
' Yr (required): (4 digits) 2021 is the 2020-21 income year, _
' 2022 is the 2021-22 and future income years

b.. The return value (to the cell) is now required to be in percentage form by amending the relevant code statement from your part a answer.
Required: Write the existing code statement as a comment, then the new code statement on the next line. (4 marks)

c.. Required: Write a macro procedure to test the CTaxRate function. Include code statements and parameter values, to facilitate the following outcome, if the code is run from the VBE. (4 marks)




xlf star Answer

Suggested solution based on 90045 content.

Code a: suggested solution CTaxRate procedure

' ===============================
' Function: Returns the Company Tax Rate as ...
'   source: /www.ato.gov.au/rates/changes-to-company-tax-rates/
' Syntax: CTaxRate(TOver, Yr)
' Arguments:
'   TOver (required): aggregated turnover (whole number)
'   Yr (required): (4 digits) 2021 is the 2020-21 income year, _
'   2022 is the 2021-22 and future income years
'   2022 is recognition that rates my change in the future
' ===============================

VBA :: If statement version
Function CTaxRate(TOver As Long, Yr As Integer) As Variant
Dim Tmp As Double

    If Yr = 2021 And TOver < 50 * 10 ^ 6 Then
        Tmp = 0.26
    ElseIf Yr = 2022 And TOver < 50 * 10 ^ 6 Then
        Tmp = 0.25
        Tmp = 0.3
    End If

    CTaxRate = Tmp

End Function

VBA :: Select Case statement version
Function CTaxRate(TOver As Long, Yr As Integer) As String
Dim Tmp As Double

    Select Case Yr
        Case 2021 And TOver < 50 * 10 ^ 6
            Tmp = 0.26
        Case 2022 And TOver < 50 * 10 ^ 6
            Tmp = 0.25
        Case Else
            Tmp = 0.3
    End Select

    CTaxRate = Format(Tmp, "General Number")

End Function


Code b: the return value in percentage form
    'CTaxRate = Tmp
     CTaxRate = Format(Tmp, "Percent")
    'CTaxRate = Tmp
     CTaxRate = Format(Tmp, "0.00%")

Code c:
Sub TestCTaxRate()
Dim Ans As Variant

Ans = CTaxRate(15 * 10 ^ 6, 2022) ' $15m in the year 2022 returns 25.00%


End Sub