VBA built-in constants
VBA constants - used in text formatting
View ASCII values: Code 1 demonstrates conversion of VBA constant to its ASCII equivalent. The ASC function ASC(string)
returns the integer representation of the first letter in a string.
Code 1: comments and
' ASCII characters ===== ' Decimal 9: Horizontal Tab ' Decimal 10: Line Feed ' Decimal 13: Carriage Return ' Reference: https://excelatfinance.com/online2/xlf-char-function.php ' VBA constants ======== ' vbCrLf: Carriage return/linefeed character combination ' vbCr: Carriage return character ' vbLf: Linefeed character ' vbNewLine: Newline character. ' vbTab: Tab character Sub xlf_vbaConstants() Dim a As Integer Const xlfDblNLa As String = vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' Double line space ver.a Const xlfDblNLb As String = vbNewLine & vbLf ' Double line space ver.b a = Asc(Left(vbCrLf, 1)) ' returns 13 a = Asc(Right(vbCrLf, 1)) ' returns 10 a = Asc(vbCr) ' returns 13 a = Asc(vbLf) ' returns 10 a = Asc(vbNewLine) ' returns 13 a = Asc(Left(vbNewLine, 1)) ' returns 13 a = Asc(Right(vbNewLine, 1)) ' returns 10 a = Asc(vbTab) ' returns 9 a = Len(vbNewLine) ' returns 2 a = Len(xlfDblNLa) ' returns 4 a = Len(xlfDblNLb) ' returns 3 MsgBox "Line 1" & xlfDblNLb & "Line 2", , "xlfDblNL sample" End Sub
- Download the file: xlf-constants.xlsm [44 KB]
- This example was developed in Excel 365 :: VBA 7.1
- Published: 17 May 2020
- Revised: Saturday 25th of February 2023 - 10:13 AM, [Australian Eastern Standard Time (EST)]