xlf Extreme Value distributions :: Gumbel
1. Gumbel distribution
Specifications (maximum):
- PDF Probability density (mass) function:
- \(f(x) = \frac{1}{\beta} e^{-\frac{x- \alpha}{\beta}} e^{-e^{-\frac{x- \alpha}{\beta}}} = \frac{1}{\beta} exp \left[ - \left( \frac{x- \alpha} {\beta} + exp \left( \frac{x- \alpha} {\beta} \right) \right) \right]\)
- CDF Cumulative density function (maximum): \(F(x) = exp \left[- exp \left( \frac{x- \alpha} {\beta} \right) \right] \)
- where \(\alpha \) is the location parameter, and \(\beta \) is the scale parameter, \(\beta \gt 0 \)
1.1 Gumbel PDF
Probability density (mass) distribution (figure 1a)

A WS cell formula is provided in figure 1a
Cumulative density plot (figure 1b)

1.1 Gumbel CDF

A WS cell formula is provided in figure 1b

2. VBA :: xlfGumbel function
There is no Excel built-in function for the Gumbel distribution. VBA code is provided in code 1 (xlfGumbel).
Code 1:
Function xlfGumbel(X As Double, Alpha As Double, Beta As Double, Cumulative As Boolean) As Variant Dim tmp As Double On Error GoTo ErrHandler If Beta <= 0 Then GoTo ErrNum If Cumulative = True Then ' cumulative distribution function tmp = Exp(-Exp(-(X - Alpha) / Beta)) Else ' probability mass function tmp = (1 / Beta) * Exp(-(((X - Alpha) / Beta) + Exp(-(X - Alpha) / Beta))) End If xlfGumbel = tmp Exit Function ErrNum: xlfGumbel = VBA.CVErr(xlErrNum) Exit Function ErrHandler: xlfGumbel = VBA.CVErr(xlErrValue) End Function
- Download the file: xlf-distributions-gumbel.xlsx [31 KB]
- This example was developed in Excel 365 version 2007
- Published: 31 August 2020
- Revised: Saturday 25th of February 2023 - 10:13 AM, [Australian Eastern Standard Time (EST)]