xlf | Clock macros
0. About Application.OnTime
Syntax Application.OnTime method:
Application.OnTime(EarliestTime, Procedure, LatestTime, Schedule)
Parameters | Description |
EarliestTime (required) | The time when the procedure is to be run |
Procedure (required) | The name of the (sub) procedure to be run |
LatestTime (optional) | If omitted the, the application will wait until the procedure can be run. If set, a procedure will not be run if both the EarliestTime and LatestTime have passed |
Schedule (optional) | True (the default) to schedule a new procedure. False to clear set procedure |
Example 1: run the MyCode procedure at 6:15 pm - Application.OnTime TimeValue("18:15:00"), "MyCode"
Example 2: run the MyCode procedure in 30 seconds from now - Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:30"), "MyCode"
. This example is similar to the Wait method
Syntax Application.Wait method: (not part of this module)
Returns True if the specified time has arrived
Parameters | Description |
Time (required) | The time when the procedure is to resume |
Example 3: run the MyCode procedure in 30 seconds from now - If Application.Wait(Now + TimeValue("00:00:30")) Then Call MyCode
1. OnTime method :: the VBA code
The following example use the Application.OnTime method to control a number of clock interfaces. Five examples are shown in figure 1, and the code is provided in sections 1.1 to 1.5. Procedures can be run and stopped from on-sheet ActiveX controls. The AppCap clock is also fired by the Workbook Open and BeforeClose events.
Each example includes three procedures:
- A
procedure linked to aClockTick
procedure. TheClock
updates the User Interface - A
procedure linked to theClock
procedure. This runs theClock
at regular intervals; one second time steps in this case. One second is the smallest time interval available in the VBA language environment. It is important to understand that theClock
have a circular link and form a two procedure loop (see figure 2) - A
procedure to break the loop between the procedures in points 1 and 2.

1.1 Application.Caption
Adding a clock to the Application.Caption in code 1 line 7. The clock is updated at one second intervals as set by the Const OneSec As String = "00:00:01"
in line 2 and EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec)
in line 14.
Code 1: CapClock
add a digital clock to the Application.Caption
Option Explicit Const OneSec As String = "00:00:01" ' =========================== ' Clock 1 :: CapClock Private Sub CapClock() Application.Caption = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM") Call CapClockTick End Sub ' =========================== Private Sub CapClockTick() Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="CapClock" End Sub ' =========================== Sub CapClockClear() Application.Caption = vbNullString On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="CapClock", _ Schedule:=False End Sub '
The loop between the Clock and ClockTick can be seen in figure 2. Both the Workbook Open event and the on-sheet control run the CapClock procedure. This avoids a one second initial lag if the loop started at CapClockTick point.

Selected Date and Time functions
VBA function | Description |
Date |
Returns the current system date Example: Date returns #3/06/2018# as type Date |
DateValue(DateAsString) |
Returns a date from String Example: DateValue("3-June-2018") returns #3/06/2018# as type Date |
Hour(Time) |
Returns the integer value for the hour 0 to 23 Example: Hour(TimeValue("8:27:28")) returns 8 as type Integer |
Minute(Time) |
Returns the integer value for the minute 0 to 59 Example: Minute(TimeValue("8:27:28")) returns 27 as type Integer |
Now |
Returns the current system date and time Example: Now returns #3/06/2018 8:27:28 AM# as type Date |
Second(Time) |
Returns the integer value for the second 0 to 59 Example: Second(TimeValue("8:27:28")) returns 28 as type Integer |
Time |
Returns the current system time Example: Time returns #8:27:28 AM# as type Date |
Timer |
Returns the number of seconds since 12:00 AM on the current system time Example: Timer returns 30448.51 as type Single |
TimeValue(TimeAsString) |
Returns a valid time from a String expression Example: TimeValue("8:27:28") returns #8:27:28 AM# as type Date |
1.2 Worksheet.Name
Adding a clock as a Worksheet name is unusual, and also makes subsequent code referring to the sheet by name virtually impossible. On occasions, the user may wish to add a new worksheet named with the date. The date however is less interesting when recording the example shown in figure 3.

The operation of the clock is identical in each of the following examples. All versions only differ with the target, where the time value is written to. In this example Code 2 Line 33 writes the time to a Worksheet tab Sheet2.Name = Format(Time, "hh-mm-ss AM/PM") & " AET"
. The colons used in line 7 are illegal characters with a Sheet name and "hh:mm:ss AM/PM"
has been replaced with "hh-mm-ss AM/PM"
Code 2: Sub
' =========================== ' Clock 2 :: TabClock Private Sub TabClock() Sheet2.Name = Format(Time, "hh-mm-ss AM/PM") & " AET" Call TabClockTick End Sub Private Sub TabClockTick() Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="TabClock" End Sub Sub TabClockClear() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="TabClock", _ Schedule:=False End Sub '
1.3 Range("Date") and Range("Time")

Code 3 lines 58 and 59 write the Date and Time components to their respective cells identified by range names. The VBA date #3/06/2018# is formatted as Text "03-Jun-18". Excel recognized the string as a date and applied the WS format Date: WS custom format d-mmm-yy
date serial number. Truncation of the leading zero is caused by the Windows default short date settings? A similar process is applied to the Time component. On WS Time: WS custom format h:mm:ss AM/PM
Code 3: the
' =========================== ' Clock 3 :: InCellClock Sub InCellClock() Range("Date").Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy") Range("Time").Value = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM") Call InCellClockTick End Sub Sub InCellClockTick() Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="InCellClock" End Sub Sub InCellClockClear() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="InCellClock", _ Schedule:=False End Sub '
1.4 OnSheet clock

On sheet TextBox controls, are visible in rows 17 to 20 of figure 5
- Hours: name TextBox 2
- Minutes: name TextBox 3
- Seconds: name TextBox 4
- AM/PM: name TextBox 5
The TextBoxes are members of the Shapes collection, and though the object hierarchy are members of the TextFrame.Characters collection.
Code 4: the
' =========================== 'Clock 4 :: OnSheetClock Sub OnSheetClock() With Sheet1 .Shapes("TextBox 2").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Left(Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM"), 2) .Shapes("TextBox 3").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Right(Format(Time, "hh:mm"), 2) .Shapes("TextBox 4").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Format(Time, "ss") .Shapes("TextBox 5").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Format(Time, "AM/PM") End With Call OnSheetClockTick End Sub Sub OnSheetClockTick() Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="OnSheetClock" End Sub Sub OnSheetClockClear() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="OnSheetClock", _ Schedule:=False End Sub '
About Code 4
- Lines 84 to 86:
can also be written as:
.Shapes("TextBox 2").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Hour(Time) .Shapes("TextBox 3").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Minute(Time) .Shapes("TextBox 4").TextFrame.Characters.Text = Second(Time)
- Without the leading zeros
1.5 ProgressBarClock
This is a variation of the in-cell clock described in section 1.3. The values are no longer Dates and Times but animated Text strings.

Selected Text functions
VBA function | Description |
ChrW |
Returns a string character from a valid 16 bit Unicode value Examples: Unicode 9609 ChrW(9609) returns ▉ as Text |
String(Number As Long, Character) |
Returns a single string character repeated the Number of times Example: String(5, "a") returns aaaaa String(5, "abc") returns aaaaa String(5, 97) returns aaaaa String(5, "97") returns 99999 String(5, Chr(97)) returns aaaaa (Character ASCII) String(5, ChrW(97)) returns aaaaa (Character Unicode) String(5, ChrW(9679)) returns ●●●●● |
Code 5: the
' =========================== 'Clock 5 :: ProgressBarClock Private Sub ProgressBarClock() Range("Hours").Value = _ String(Format(Time, "hh"), ChrW(9609)) & " " & Format(Time, "hh") Range("Minutes").Value = _ String(Right(Format(Time, "hh:mm"), 2), ChrW(9609)) & " " & Right(Format(Time, "hh:mm"), 2) Range("Seconds").Value = _ String(Format(Time, "ss"), ChrW(9609)) & " " & Format(Time, "ss") Call ProgressBarClockTick End Sub Private Sub ProgressBarClockTick() Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="ProgressBarClock" End Sub Sub ProgressBarClockClear() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime _ EarliestTime:=Now + VBA.TimeValue(OneSec), _ Procedure:="ProgressBarClock", _ Schedule:=False End Sub '
About Code 5
The VBA String function is equivalent to the WS Rept function
- Lines 113 to 114: can also be written as:
Range("Hours").Value = _ Application.Rept(ChrW(9609), Hour(Time)) & " " & Hour(Time)
- Without the leading zeros
2. Ancillary VBA code
2.1 ActiveX click events
Code 6:
Sheet1 Module
ActiveX CommandButton Click event procedures
Option Explicit ' All called procedures are Private ' =========================== ' Clock 1 :: CapClock Private Sub cmdClock1_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.CapClock" End Sub Private Sub cmdStop1_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.CapClockClear" End Sub ' =========================== ' Clock 2 :: TabClock Private Sub cmdClock2_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.TabClock" End Sub Private Sub cmdStop2_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.TabClockClear" End Sub ' =========================== ' Clock 3 :: InCellClock Private Sub cmdClock3_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.InCellClock" End Sub Private Sub cmdStop3_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.InCellClockClear" End Sub ' =========================== 'Clock 4 :: OnSheetClock Private Sub cmdClock4_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.OnSheetClock" End Sub Private Sub cmdStop4_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.OnSheetClockClear" End Sub ' =========================== 'Clock 5 :: ProgressBarClock Private Sub cmdClock5_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.ProgressBarClock" End Sub Private Sub cmdStop5_Click() Application.Run "xlfTime.ProgressBarClockClear" End Sub '
2.2 ThisWorkbook events
Code 7: the
ThisWorkbook Module
Option Explicit ' =========================== ' Clock 1 :: CapClock Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.Run "xlfTime.CapClock" ' call a private procedure End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call CapClockClear ' call a public procedure End Sub '
- Download the Excel file for this module: xlf-clock-macros.xlsm [57 KB]
- Development platform: Excel 2016 (64 bit) Office 365 ProPlus and VBA 7.1
- Published: 1st June 2018
- Revised: Friday 24th of February 2023 - 02:38 PM, Pacific Time (PT)