UDF procedures
A User Defined function (UDF) is a custom function procedure designed to be called from an Excel worksheet. By default UDF's are listed in the User Defined category of the Insert Function dialog box (figure 0). For information about adding a UDF to a different category see Link
Some features of UDF procedures:
- General VBA naming conventions apply except that the name of a UDF must not be a valid cell address. For example, Tax2016 would return a #REF! error in Excel
- Excel naming conventions display all Excel built-in functions in uppercase, such as: SUM, AVERAGE, NPV etc - use a mixture of upper and lower case to distinguish UDFs from Excel's built-in functions
- Remember that functions are designed to only return a "return value", and should not manipulate the Workbook Object or display a message box
- Avoid using the names of Excel built-in functions for UDF procedures. If there is a name clash, include the module name:
, for a sum function in the xlf module - Functions can return the value with a format (currency, percentage or date and time), in the spirit of NOW , NPV , or IRR , etc
Five examples are shown in the following sections. 1. No arguments, 2. a fixed number of arguments, 3. fixed arguments with multi cell array, 4. optional arguments, and 5. an indeterminate number of arguments.
1. UDF with no arguments
A simple function xlfDate() that returns a date in date format.
Code 1: Function procedure
returns the current date (volatile)
Public Function xlfDate() As String ' Returns the current date in date format (d/m/yy) Application.Volatile xlfDate = Format(Date, "General Date") End Function
Code 1 by line number:
- Line 1: Procedure declaration: a Public
procedure named xlfDate with mixed case name. No arguments - the parentheses () are empty. All function procedures in a Code module are Public by default. Line 1 could be written as: Function xlfDate() As String
- Line 3: Invokes the
method. This means the function will update (recalculate) whenever the worksheet is changed or recalculated (is volatile / changing). This may require change to Manual Workbook Calculation mode to maintain CPU performance. . - Line 4: Returns the date in General Date format (d/m/yyyy).
The xlfDate Function Arguments is shown in figure 1.
2. UDF with a fixed number of arguments
In code 2, the xlfSum1() function (line 11 to line 14) has three compulsory arguments.
Code 2: Function procedure
returns sum of 3 numbers (as cell references in this example)
Sub Run_xlfSum1() Dim Ans As Double With ActiveSheet .Range("C14").Value = 2 .Range("C15").Value = 3 .Range("C16").Value = 4 End With Ans = xlfSum1([C14], [C15], [C16]) MsgBox "The sum of 2,3, and 4 equals " & Ans, Title:="xlfSum2 demo" End Sub
Code 2 by line number:
- Function - line 10 to line 13:
- Line 10: Procedure declaration: a Public
procedure named xlfSum1 with mixed case name. Three compulsory arguments - Num1, Num2, and Num3 all of type Double. Each parameter must be a number, or a reference to a single cell. This means that there is no return value until all arguments have valid values. - Line 12: Returns the sum of the three arguments
- Line 13: End of function
- Run macro - line 15 to line 27:
- Line 24: could be written as:
Ans = xlfSum1(Range("C14"), Range("C15"), Range("C16"))
Ans = xlfSum1(Range("Sheet1!C14"), Range("Sheet1!C15"), Range("Sheet1!C16"))
Ans = xlfSum1(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C14"), Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C15"), Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C16"))
Ans = xlfSum1(2, 3, 4) ' Using Numbers rather then References
or ...
Function Arguments - fundamentals
Here's how the code 2 xlfSum1() function appears in the Function Arguments dialog box (figure 2).
In figure 2:
- ① the function name: xlfSum1
- ② the argument names: Num1, Num2, and Num3. All are compulsory so they automatically appear in bold font in the Dialog Box
3. UDF with a fixed argument (multi cell range)
3.1 Contiguous range
This is another version of the xlfSum function, using a (multi cell) range argument instead of a fixed number of arguments. The range is contiguous, in that, it is one block of data with rectangular shape.
Code 3: Function procedure
returns sum of numbers in a multi cell range
Function xlfSum3(Num As Range) As Double ' Returns the sum of range object Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer For i = 0 To Num.Rows.Count - 1 For j = 0 To Num.Columns.Count - 1 xlfSum3 = xlfSum3 + Num.Range("A1").Offset(i, j).Value Next j Next i End Function ' ================================ Sub Run_xlfSum3() Dim Arr As String Dim Ans As Double Arr = "={10,20,30,40;" Arr = Arr & "55,66,77,88;" Arr = Arr & "90,100,110,120}" With ActiveSheet .Range("C35:F37").FormulaArray = Arr End With Ans = xlfSum3(Range("C35:F37")) MsgBox "The sum of range with the array formula equals " & Ans, Title:="xlfSum3 demo" End Sub
Code 3 by line number:
- Function - line 60 to line 71:
- Line 60: Procedure declaration: a Public
procedure named xlfSum3 with mixed case name. One compulsory argument - Num of type Range. There is no need to use the Set statement when assigning the Range object to the argument name - Line 65 to line 69: is a double For...Next loop, reading each element of the Range on a row by row basis
- Line 67: Processes the cumulative sum of the elements of the Range array
- Run macro - line 73 to line 88:
- The macro writes a range of test data to Excel using the VBA version of an Excel array formula (CSE formula)
- Lines 77 to line 79: Setup the text string for the data array constant, 3 rows by 4 columns
- Line 77: could be written as:
Arr = "={10,20,30,40;55,66,77,88;90,100,110,120}"
- Line 82: Writes the array constant (dimension 3 x 4) as an array formula to the Excel range. Each cell of the range contains the formula
(Ready mode)
where the comma (,) separates the columns, and the semi-colon (;) is used to indicate the end of row, except the last row
3.2 Noncontiguous range
The function xlfSum3() takes a Range as its only argument. The incorporation of a Range operator allows multiple ranges to be specified.
Range operators:
- Union operator: a comma character "," that combines two or more ranges into a single range reference. Shown in figure 3.1. Wrap the union in brackets () to distinguish the union operator from an argument separator
- Intersection operator: a space character " " that returns the area of overlap (intersection) of multiple Ranges, usually two. Shown in figure 3.2
4. UDF with a fixed and optional arguments
In this version (xlfSum4()) there are 2 compulsory arguments and 1 optional argument.
Optional arguments:
- are always listed after compulsory arguments
- are identified by the Optional keyword
- in a UDF are always of the type Variant
- arguments always have a default value, and in a UDF this is handled by the VBA IsMissing function
Code 4: Function procedure
returns sum of 3 numbers (two compulsory and one optional in this example)
Function xlfSum4(Num1 As Double, Num2 As Double, Optional Num3 As Variant) As Double If IsMissing(Num3) Then Num3 = 33 xlfSum4 = Num1 + Num2 + Num3 End Function ' ================================ Sub Run_xlfSum4() ' Scroll down to view code Dim Ans As Double Ans = xlfSum4(11, 22) MsgBox "The sum of 11 and 22, plus the default value 33 equals " & Ans, Title:="xlfSum4 demo" Ans = xlfSum4(10, 20, 3) MsgBox "The sum of 10, 20 and 3 equals " & Ans, Title:="xlfSum4 demo" End Sub
Code 4 by line number:
- Function - line 90 to line 95:
- Line 90: Procedure declaration: a Public
procedure named xlfSum4 with mixed case name. Two compulsory arguments - Num1 and Num2, both of type Double. Each accepts one number. The last argument, Num3 is optional, as identified by the Optional keyword. Optional arguments in a UDF must be of the type Variant to allow use of the IsMissing function - Line 92: If Num3 is left blank, then the IsMissing function returns TRUE and the value 33 is assigned to Num3. Only a Variant can be missing because other data types assign default values, eg. Double has value 0, Integer has value 0, String has value "", etc
- Line 67: Processes the cumulative sum of the elements of the Range array
UDF with optional arguments - use the Optional keyword and type Variant, then set the default value using IsMissing; see code 4 and figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 illustrates the Function Arguments for the test procedure in code 4.
Advanced level Excel
5. UDF with an unspecified number of arguments (paramarray)
A ParamArray is an array of parameters.
About ParamArrays:
- The array is equivalent to a dynamic array (the ArrayName() has empty brackets) of type Variant
- The ParamArray must be the last argument, and can be the only argument
- A ParamArray argument cannot be used with Optional arguments
- The ParamArray always has base 0 regardless of the Option Base declaration
Code 5: Function procedure
returns sum of 2 non-contiguous WS ranges
Function xlfSum5(ParamArray Num() As Variant) As Double ' Returns the sum of range object Dim i As Integer Dim Item As Range For i = LBound(Num) To UBound(Num) For Each Item In Num(i) xlfSum5 = xlfSum5 + Item Next Item Next i End Function ' ================================ Sub Run_xlfSum5() ' Scroll down to view code Dim Arr As String Dim Ans As Double Arr = "={10,20,30,40;" Arr = Arr & "55,66,77,88;" Arr = Arr & "90,100,110,120}" With ActiveSheet .Range("C70:F72").FormulaArray = Arr End With Ans = xlfSum5(Range("C70:E72"), Range("F70:F72")) MsgBox "The sum of range with the ParamArray argument equals " & Ans, Title:="xlfSum5 demo" End Sub
Code 5 by line number:
- Line 110: Procedure declaration: a Public
procedure named xlfSum5 with mixed case name. One argument, a ParamArray namedNum()
that must be of type Variant. In this example, each element ofNum()
array will store a Range - Line 116 to line 121: Is a double For...Next loop that accumulates the values of the array elements
- Line 116: In the test procedure, two array are passed to Num(), so Num() has lower bound 0, and upper bound 1
- Line 117: The For...Each procedure loops through each element of the array on a row by row basis
- Line 119: Accumulates the progressive total (sum) of the elements
Reading elements of ParamArray element 0 (shown in figure 5.3):
Debug.Print Num(0)(2, 3)
returns 77- This means that the Variant array Num() contains an array with values from the range object. These values are identified by the Value2 property
Reading elements of ParamArray element 1 (shown in figure 5.4):
Debug.Print Num(1)(2, 1)
returns 88Debug.Print Num(1)(2)
returns 88
- Download: xlf-udf.xlsm [82 KB ]
- This example was developed in Excel 2013 and updated in Excel 2016.
- Revised: Saturday 25th of February 2023 - 10:12 AM, [Australian Eastern Time (AET)]