xlf EandA series
Chart interface - on-sheet controls
0. Preliminary
The EXERCISE - implement the following
Part A Sub procedures
Insert a Code Module and name it PartA
A.1 Write a Public Sub procedure to assign the integer 2016 to a public variable named Yr in the code module
A.2 Develop a user interface with the following functionality:
- The interface is made visible from an on-sheet control on the worksheet with tab position one. The interface activation code will pass the value in Yr to your code procedure
- The interface will give the user the choice of displaying one, two, or three charts, either all on the worksheet, or all on chartsheets
- The data test period is applied to the ANZ data set
- Three charts:
- Open High Low Close (OHLC)
- Price Volume (PV), and
- Return. The return series will be generated with the Price2Return function from part b
A.3 The interface will only function if the Yr variable has a value within the range of the ANZ data date vector
1.Understanding the question
Develop a user interface - at first glance this may suggest a User Form based interface. Before we rush in, however, lets look at the question a little more closely.
Here are some important points:
- Part A refers to "Sub procedures". These procedures are generally written in as ordinary code module (Modules), and not in a Forms module
- Moreover, you are required to "insert a Code module and name it ...". This is an ordinary code module (Modules) and not a Form(s) module
- In addition, aspects of the question are similar to the session xlf EXERCISES. This exercise, parts of which were demonstrated in class, covers "The interface activation code will pass the value in Yr ..." from part A.2 a. The exercise develops an on-sheet interface, albeit, with less functionality than the current task
Not a UserForm, then must be onsheet - this suggests the use of Developer > Controls > Insert > ... Form Controls and / or ActiveX Controls in an on-sheet setting. After some initial planning the interface controls can be identified, working names allocated, and a mixture of Form and ActiveX selected based on functionality and ease of implementation.
The interface components:
- The on-sheet control from part A.2 a, named the Chart caller
- The user interface from part A.2, named the Chart selector
- The Excel charts, whether on a worksheet or chartsheets
Points 1 and 2 require the most explanation and are the focus of this version (v1) of the module. The on-sheet control and user interface are collectively named the Charter interface.
2.Chart interface
2.1 Interface preview
To point the way, a preview of the Chart interface appears in figure 1.

The components list - from code 7 below
' CHART SELECTOR ' ' Form controls === === === ' TextBox: Rectangle Main ' TextBox: TextBox Header ' ' Group Box: Group Box ChartType ' Group Box: Group Box ChartLocation ' Group Box: Group Box Returns ' ' ActiveX controls === === === ' CheckBox: chkOHLC ' CheckBox: chkPV ' CheckBox: chkRet ' ' OptionButton: optWS ' OptionButton: optCS ' ' OptionButton: optLog ' OptionButton: optDelta ' ' CommandButton: cmdUpdate ' CommandButton: cmdClose ' ' OptionButton: opt2016 ' OptionButton: opt2015 ' ' Other ' Image: Picture xlf logo ' ================================ '
The components list - from code 8 below
' CHART CALLER ' ' Form controls === === === ' TextBox: Rectangle Caller ' TextBox: Header Caller ' ' ActiveX controls === === === ' CommandButton: cmdCharter ' ================================ '
1.2 Interface workbook initialize
Code 1:
Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() Yr = 2016 Application.Run "PartA.cmdCharter_initialize" End Sub
About code 1
- Line 4: Assign a value to the Yr variable. Task A. 1
- Line 5: Set the initial values for the Chart selector, including the year
3. Chart code
[PartA (Code)] Module
3.1 Initialize Chart selector
Code 2:
Option Explicit Public Yr As Integer ' populate at WorkBook_Open event Public LocationWS As Boolean Public Updated As Boolean Private Sub cmdCharter_Initialize() ' caller: WorkBook_Open event With Sheets(1) ' The caller button .cmdCharter.Caption = "Display Charter interface [" & Yr & "]" ' The interface .chkOHLC.Value = False .chkPV.Value = False .chkRet.Value = False .optWS.Value = True .optCS.Value = False .optLog.Value = True If Yr = 2016 Then .opt2016.Value = True Else .opt2015.Value = True End If End With Call HideCharter Call UnHideCaller End Sub
3.2 Hide Caller, and Unhide Selector
Code 3:
and UnHideCharter
' ================================ ' Part A ii a "The interface is made visible from an onsheet control on the worksheet ' with tab position one. The interface activation code will pass the value in ' Yr to your code procedure" ' ' Procedures ' HideCaller ' UnHideCharter '================================= Private Sub HideCaller() ' Assume elements are not grouped Worksheets(1).Activate With ActiveSheet .Shapes("Rectangle Caller").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("Header Caller").Visible = msoFalse .cmdCharter.Visible = msoFalse End With End Sub Private Sub UnHideCharter(inYr As Integer) ' Assume elements are not grouped Worksheets(1).Activate With ActiveSheet .Shapes("Rectangle Main").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("TextBox Header").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("Picture xlf logo").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("Group Box ChartType").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("Group Box ChartLocation").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("Group Box Returns").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("Group Box Year").Visible = msoTrue .chkOHLC.Visible = msoTrue .chkPV.Visible = msoTrue .chkRet.Visible = msoTrue .optWS.Visible = msoTrue .optCS.Visible = msoTrue .optLog.Visible = msoTrue .optDelta.Visible = msoTrue .opt2016.Visible = msoTrue .opt2015.Visible = msoTrue If inYr = 2016 Then .opt2016 = msoTrue ElseIf inYr = 2015 Then .opt2015 = msoTrue End If .cmdUpdate.Visible = msoTrue .cmdClose.Visible = msoTrue End With End Sub
3.3 Unhide Caller, and Hide Selector
Code 4:
and HideCharter
. This is the REVERSE procedure
' ================================ ' Part A ii a "The interface is made visible from an onsheet control on the worksheet ' with tab position one. The interface activation code will pass the value in ' Yr to your code procedure" ' ' This is the REVERSE procedure ' ' Procedures ' UnHideCaller ' HideCharter '================================= Private Sub UnHideCaller() ' Assume elements are not grouped Worksheets(1).Activate With ActiveSheet If .opt2016.Value Then Yr = 2016 Else Yr = 2015 End If .Shapes("Rectangle Caller").Visible = msoTrue .Shapes("Header Caller").Visible = msoTrue .cmdCharter.Visible = msoTrue .cmdCharter.Caption = "Display Charter interface [" & Yr & "]" End With End Sub Private Sub HideCharter() ' Assume elements are not grouped Worksheets(1).Activate With ActiveSheet .Shapes("Rectangle Main").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("TextBox Header").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("Picture xlf logo").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("Group Box ChartType").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("Group Box ChartLocation").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("Group Box Returns").Visible = msoFalse .Shapes("Group Box Year").Visible = msoFalse .chkOHLC.Visible = msoFalse .chkPV.Visible = msoFalse .chkRet.Visible = msoFalse .optWS.Visible = msoFalse .optCS.Visible = msoFalse .optLog.Visible = msoFalse .optDelta.Visible = msoFalse .opt2016.Visible = msoFalse .opt2015.Visible = msoFalse .cmdUpdate.Visible = msoFalse .cmdClose.Visible = msoFalse End With End Sub
3.4 The Returns vector
A.2 d 3 "The return series will be generated with the Price2Return function from part b". This is shown in column H of the worksheet in figure 2. Formula =Price2Return(Close,Return)
entered as an array (CSE) formula.

3.5 The Charts Dates and Returns vector naming
Code 5:
' Charts ' Set data ranges Private Sub Yr2015Yr2016() Dim Rng As Range ' from data base Dim RName As String ' NAME of data vector Dim RngName As Name ' reset NAME for chart series Dim r As Integer, i As Integer Dim n2015 As Integer, n2016 As Integer ' Number of observations n2015 = Range("Dates2015").Count n2016 = Range("Dates2016").Count ' Dates === === RName = "Dates" ' name of vector Set RngName = Names.Item(RName) If Sheet1.opt2015 Then Set Rng = Range(RName & "2015") r = n2015 ElseIf Sheet1.opt2016 Then Set Rng = Range(RName & "2016") r = n2016 End If Range(RName).ClearContents Range(RName).Resize(1, 1).Select With RngName .RefersTo = .RefersToRange.Resize(r, 1) End With For i = 1 To r Range(RName)(i, 1) = Rng(i, 1) Next i Set RngName = Nothing: Set Rng = Nothing ' Returns === === RName = "Returns" ' name of vector Set RngName = Names.Item(RName) If Sheet1.opt2015 Then Set Rng = Range(RName & "2015") r = n2015 ElseIf Sheet1.opt2016 Then Set Rng = Range(RName & "2016") r = n2016 End If Range(RName).ClearContents Range(RName).Resize(1, 1).Select With RngName .RefersTo = .RefersToRange.Resize(r, 1) End With For i = 1 To r Range(RName)(i, 1) = Rng(i, 1) Next i Set RngName = Nothing: Set Rng = Nothing End Sub
3.6 The Chart Updater
Code 6a:
Private Sub ChartUpdater() ' caller cmdUpdate ' Collect settings from interface ' Year If Sheet1.opt2016 Then Yr = 2016 Else Yr = 2015 End If ' Location If Sheet1.optWS Then LocationWS = True Else LocationWS = False End If ' Return If Sheet1.optLog Then Range("Return") = True Else Range("Return") = False End If Sheet1.Calculate ' Display chart Call Yr2015Yr2016 Updated = True ' Other chart code is not included in this version of the document End Sub
Code 6b:
Option Explicit ' Interface command buttons ' Interface caller === === === Private Sub cmdCharter_Click() Application.Run "PartA.UnHideCharter", Yr Application.Run "PartA.HideCaller" End Sub ' Interface === === === Private Sub cmdClose_Click() Application.Run "PartA.HideCharter" Application.Run "PartA.UnHideCaller" End Sub Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() Application.Run "PartA.ChartUpdater" End Sub

4. Maintenance code
Material in this section is not required in the answer to the question, but provides useful details about the interface properties. The objects must exist for this code to function.
4.1 ChartInterfaceReset
Code 7: Procedures in the zMaintenance module
Option Explicit Const TLC As String = "C4" ' top left cell - interface anchor ' ================================ Private Sub ChartInterfaceReset() ' ================================ ' Requires: ' ' Form controls === === === ' TextBox: Rectangle Main ' TextBox: TextBox Header ' ' Group Box: Group Box ChartType ' Group Box: Group Box ChartLocation ' Group Box: Group Box Returns ' ' ActiveX controls === === === ' CheckBox: chkOHLC ' CheckBox: chkPV ' CheckBox: chkRet ' ' OptionButton: optWS ' OptionButton: optCS ' ' OptionButton: optLog ' OptionButton: optDelta ' ' CommandButton: cmdUpdate ' CommandButton: cmdClose ' ' OptionButton: opt2016 ' OptionButton: opt2015 ' ' Other ' Image: Picture xlf logo ' ================================ ' Anchor cell Dim Left As Integer Dim Top As Integer ' Header text Dim Text2 As String Dim Text2Bold As String Text2 = "xlf Chart Interface - demonstrator v1.0" Text2Bold = VBA.InStr(Text2, " - ") ' number of characters in Text2 ending at "-" Left = Range(TLC).Left Top = Range(TLC).Top Worksheets(1).Activate ' INTERFACE :: textbox === === With ActiveSheet With .Shapes("Rectangle Main") .Left = Left + 0: .Top = Top + 0 .Height = 300: .Width = 400 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(214, 232, 243) End With ' HEADER :: logo, and text === With .Shapes("TextBox Header") .Left = Left + 20: .Top = Top + 15 .Height = 30: .Width = 360 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(55, 95, 146) .TextFrame2.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle .TextFrame2.MarginLeft = 40 With .TextFrame2.TextRange .Characters.Text = Text2 .Characters.Font.Size = 14 .Characters.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(180, 200, 231) .Characters(1, Len(Text2Bold)).Font.Bold = msoTrue .Characters(Text2Bold, .Characters.Count - Text2Bold).Font.Bold = msoFalse End With End With With .Shapes("Picture xlf logo") .Left = Left + 30: .Top = Top + 20 End With ' CONTROL groups === === === ' GROUP 1 :: Chart type === === ' 1. chkOHLC >> Open High Low Close ' 2. chkPV >> Price Volume ' 3. chkRet >> Return With .Shapes("Group Box ChartType") .Left = Left + 20: .Top = Top + 60 .Height = 140: .Width = 180 End With With .chkOHLC .Left = Left + 40: .Top = Top + 80 .Height = 20: .Width = 140 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) End With With .chkPV .Left = Left + 40: .Top = Top + 120 .Height = 20: .Width = 140 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) End With With .chkRet .Left = Left + 40: .Top = Top + 160 .Height = 20: .Width = 140 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) End With ' GROUP 2 :: Chart location === === ' === GroupName: Location ' 1. optWS >> Worksheet ' 2. optCS >> Chartsheet With .Shapes("Group Box ChartLocation") .Left = Left + 220: .Top = Top + 60 .Height = 60: .Width = 160 End With With .optWS .Left = Left + 240: .Top = Top + 70 .Height = 20: .Width = 120 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Caption = "Worksheet" .GroupName = "Location" End With With .optCS .Left = Left + 240: .Top = Top + 90 .Height = 20: .Width = 120 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Caption = "Chartsheet" .GroupName = "Location" End With ' GROUP 3 :: Prices to returns === === ' === GroupName: Return ' 1. optLog >> Worksheet ' 2. optDelta >> Chartsheet With .Shapes("Group Box Returns") .Left = Left + 220: .Top = Top + 140 .Height = 60: .Width = 160 End With With .optLog .Left = Left + 240: .Top = Top + 150 .Height = 20: .Width = 120 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Caption = "Log : ln(Pt / Pt-1)" .GroupName = "Return" End With With .optDelta .Left = Left + 240: .Top = Top + 170 .Height = 20: .Width = 120 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Caption = "Delta : (Pt-Pt-1) / Pt-1)" .GroupName = "Return" End With ' GROUP 4 :: Command buttons === === ' 1. cmdUpdate >> Update charts ' 2. cmdClose >> Close (Hide) interface With .cmdUpdate .Left = Left + 220: .Top = Top + 215 .Height = 30: .Width = 160 .Caption = "Update charts" End With With .cmdClose .Left = Left + 220: .Top = Top + 255 .Height = 30: .Width = 160 .Caption = "Close" End With ' GROUP 5 :: Prices to returns === === ' === GroupName: Year ' 1. opt2016 >> Calendar year 2016 ' 2. opt2015 >> Calendar year 2015 With .Shapes("Group Box Year") .Left = Left + 20: .Top = Top + 215 .Height = 70: .Width = 180 End With With .opt2016 .Left = Left + 40: .Top = Top + 230 .Height = 20: .Width = 120 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Caption = "2016" .GroupName = "Year" End With With .opt2015 .Left = Left + 40: .Top = Top + 255 .Height = 20: .Width = 120 .BackColor = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Caption = "2015" .GroupName = "Year" End With End With End Sub
4.2 ChartCallerReset
Code 8: Procedures in the zMaintenance module
Private Sub ChartCallerReset() ' ================================ ' Requires: ' ' Form controls === === === ' TextBox: Rectangle Caller ' TextBox: Header Caller ' ' ActiveX controls === === === ' CommandButton: cmdCharter ' ================================ Dim Left As Integer Dim Top As Integer ' Header text Dim Text2 As String Dim Text2Bold As String Text2 = "xlf Chart Interface - demonstrator v1.0" Text2Bold = VBA.InStr(Text2, " - ") ' number of characters in Text2 ending at "-" Left = Range(TLC).Left Top = Range(TLC).Top Worksheets(1).Activate ' CALLER :: textbox === === With ActiveSheet With .Shapes("Rectangle Caller") .Left = Left + 0: .Top = Top + 0 .Height = 100: .Width = 400 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(214, 232, 243) End With ' CALLER :: text === With .Shapes("Header Caller") .Left = Left + 50: .Top = Top + 20 .Height = 30: .Width = 300 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(214, 232, 243) .Line.BackColor.RGB = RGB(214, 232, 243) End With With .Shapes("Header Caller") .TextFrame2.MarginTop = 2 .TextFrame2.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorCenter With .TextFrame2.TextRange .Characters.Text = Text2 .Characters.Font.Size = 14 .Characters.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(25, 25, 112) End With End With With .cmdCharter .Left = Left + 100: .Top = Top + 60 .Height = 30: .Width = 200 .Caption = "Display Charter interface [" & Yr & "]" End With End With End Sub
- Development platform: Excel 2016 (64 bit) Office 365 ProPlus and VBA 7.1
- Revised: Saturday 25th of February 2023 - 10:12 AM, [Australian Eastern Time (AET)]