xlf | GetXLver macro
GetXLver - about the macro
Description: returns the version number of the Excel application.
Excel version information is displayed in a message box. Example output is shown in figure 1.

Selected VBA functions used in this module.
VBA function / property | Description |
Application.Build (property) | Returns a Long value for the Microsoft Excel build number |
Application.OperatingSystem (property) | Returns the name and version number of the current operating system |
Application.Version (property) | Returns a String value that represents the Microsoft Excel version number |
Environ({envstring | number}) (function) | Returns a String associated with an operating system environment variable. When the evstring is set to ProgramW6432, it is used to identify a 64 bit system |
GetXLver - the VBA code
Code 1: Macro
returns a message box displaying the Excel version details
Public Sub GetXLver() Dim VerNo As String, s64bit As String Dim Prmt As String, Ttl As String ' Message Box - Prompt, and title Const DblSpace As String = vbNewLine & vbNewLine Select Case Application.Version Case "5.0" VerNo = "Excel 5" Case "7.0" VerNo = "Excel 95" Case "8.0" VerNo = "Excel 97" Case "9.0" VerNo = "Excel 2000" Case "10.0" VerNo = "Excel 2002 (included in Office XP)" Case "11.0" VerNo = "Excel 2003" Case "12.0" VerNo = "Excel 2007" Case "14.0" VerNo = "Excel 2010" Case "15.0" VerNo = "Excel 2013" Case "16.0" VerNo = "Excel 2016" Case Else VerNo = "Unknown version" End Select If Len(Environ("ProgramW6432")) > 0 Then s64bit = " (64-bit)" With Application Prmt = "Version details: " & DblSpace & VerNo & s64bit & vbNewLine & "Number: " & .Version & ", build: " & .Build Prmt = Prmt & vbNewLine & "Operating system: " & .OperatingSystem Prmt = Prmt & DblSpace & "Coded by ExcelAtFinance " & Chr(169) & Chr(32) & Year(Date) Ttl = "About Excel" End With MsgBox Prmt, vbInformation, Ttl End Sub
About code 1: the Application.Version number, line 6, is returned as a text string by the Select ... Case statement. Identification of the 64-bit version is shown in line 31, and exists if the Environ string "ProgramW6432" has greater than zero characters. Further details of Environ are shown in code 2, and figures 2, 3 and 4.
Line 34 to 36 build the message box prompt. Sample output (Excel 2013 64-bit running in a windows 64-bit environment) is shown in figure 1 above.
The VBA Environ function
Code 2 uses a For...Next loop to print a list to the Immediate Window
Code 2: Macro
returns a list of Windows environment variable values to the Immediate Window
Private Sub GetEnviron() Dim i As Integer Debug.Print "excelatfinance.com - GetEnviron - at: " & Time & vbNewLine For i = 1 To 45 ' upper value is set by trial and error Debug.Print "Environ #" & i & ": " & VBA.Interaction.Environ(i) Next End Sub
Code 3 uses a Do While loop to print a list to the Immediate Window
Code 3: Macro
returns a list of Windows environment variable values to the Immediate Window
Private Sub GetEnviron2() Dim i As Integer Dim EnvironVar As String Debug.Print "excelatfinance.com - GetEnviron - at: " & Time & vbNewLine EnvironVar = Environ(1) Do While EnvironVar <> "" i = i + 1 Debug.Print "Environ #" & i & ": " & Environ(i) EnvironVar = Environ(i + 1) Loop End Sub
- Line 60: To convert to a Do Until loop, replace line 60 with
Do Until EnvironVar = ""
Immediate window
The GetEnviron macro in code 2 is run in a Windows 64 bit environment and a Windows 32 bit environment, and the output is shown in figures 2 and 3 respectively. The ProgramW6432 variable is shown as variable #25 in figure 2. The output for Windows 10 is included in figure 4.

- This example was developed in Excel 2013 Pro 64 bit, and Excel 2016 (Office 365 ProPlus).
- Revised: Friday 24th of February 2023 - 02:37 PM, Pacific Time (PT)