xlf | GetCF function
1. GetCF - about the function
Description: returns the formula or text of the given reference as text.
Syntax: GetCF(Ref, [Function_num]).
Arguments: Ref (required): the cell reference, Function_num (optional) - refer to column C of figure 1 and the Select...Case statement in section 3.

2. GetCF - using the function
To use the GetCF function you must add the function code to a VBA module in your workbook. This can be done by importing the function code file to a workbook VBA module, or doing a copy and paste from the Code 1 window below. If you copy and paste, then select the code area to the right of the green line number divider.
The steps for the file import procedure are explained next.
VBA import
To import the GetCF code to your workbook:
- Download the VBA bas file xlf_GetCF.bas to a folder on your device.
- Ensure that Developer tab appears on the Excel ribbon. If it is not visible use the File > Options > Customize Ribbon sequence, then, in the Main Tabs panel on the right of the Customize the Ribbon dialog, tick the Developer item. Click OK.
- Return to the ribbon, and select Developer > Code > Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
- In the Project Explorer - ensure that the current workbook is selected - Book 1 in this example, see figure 2. If necessary, double click, to select the VBA project for your workbook.
Fig 2: Check the current VBAProject workbook - Book1 in this example
- From the VBE menu, select File > Import File, then use the Import File dialog to select the xlf_GetCF.bas file. Click Open. This will insert a new module named xlf_GetCF in your workbook VBAProject - see figure 3. You have now finished the import task.
Fig 3: A new module - xlf_GetCF - has been added to the VBAProject for the workbook
- Return to Excel by clicking the Excel icon on the VBA toolbar, shown in the upper left of figure 2.
- Ensure that you save the workbook with an xlsm file type - Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.
- If the function returns a #NAME? error, then check your workbook security settings.
3. GetCF - the VBA code
Code 1: Function
returns the formula of the given reference as text
Function GetCF(Ref As Range, Optional Function_num As Variant) As String '' ============================================ '' Description: Returns the formula of the given reference as text '' Function: Get the Cell Formula (GetCF) '' Syntax: GetCF(Ref, [Function_num]) '' Get the Cell Formula (GetCF) '' Arguments: '' Ref (required): the cell reference '' Function_num (optional) '' Developed by: Ian O'Connor '' Web site: http://excelatfinance.com '' email: ioconnor@excelatfinance.com '' ============================================ Dim Addr As String Dim Form As String Dim Val As String Dim Num As Long Dim RefS As Long Dim Txt As String RefS = Application.ReferenceStyle On Error GoTo ErrHandler: If IsMissing(Function_num) Then Num = 0 Else Num = Function_num End If Addr = Ref.Address(False, False, RefS) Form = Ref.Formula Val = Ref.Value Txt = Ref.Text Select Case Num Case 0 ' Default value GetCF = Addr & ": " & Form Case 1 GetCF = Addr & ": " & Form & " " & Val Case 2 GetCF = "Cell " & Addr & " contains Formula " & Form & " with Value " & Val Case 3 GetCF = "Cell " & Addr & " contains Formula " & Form & " with Text displayed " & Txt & " and Value " & Val Case Else GetCF = Form End Select If Form = "" Then GetCF = "" Exit Function ErrHandler: End Function
- This example was developed in Excel 2013 Pro 64 bit.
- Published: 29 August 2014
- Revised: Friday 24th of February 2023 - 02:37 PM, Pacific Time (PT)