Excel errors
Excel cell errors 1 to 7
Examples shown in figure 1, listed in order of Excel's ERROR.TYPE function return value:
- #NULL!
- #DIV/0!
- #REF!
- #NAME?
- #NUM!
- #N/A
New in Office 365:
Excel cell errors #8
- #GETTING_DATA. This is a transitory error, returned as code 8 by the ERROR.TYPE function. The error is raised when the workbook contains a large and complicated formula structure and the calculation has not yet completed. It only appears during the calculation phase
Excel ERROR.TYPE function

Excel cell errors #9, #12, #13, #14
- #GETTING_DATA. This is a transitory error, returned as code 8 by the ERROR.TYPE function. The error is raised when the workbook contains a large and complicated formula structure and the calculation has not yet completed. It only appears during the calculation phase
- #SPILL. The spill range for a spilled array formula is not blank
- #UNKNOWN. This occurs when a data type is used that is not currently supported in this version of Excel.
- #FIELD. This occurs when a referenced field is not found in linked data type
- #CALC. This occurs when Excel's calculation engine encounters an unspecified calculation error with an array (dynamic and/or spilled)
- This example was developed in Excel 2013 Pro 64 bit and updated in Office 365 ProPlus Excel Version 2001 (16.0)
- Published: 13 August 2015
- Revised: Saturday 25th of February 2023 - 10:13 AM, [Australian Eastern Standard Time (EST)]